Attachment to expectations vs. living in the now.

Living in the now is a phrase bantered around a lot these days. And it sounds so good because it offers the opportunity to let go of worrying and anxiety and just be present to the space, place and moment right before you. Yes it sounds good but as many will admit, it...

Wholeness is more than a marketing slogan!

It’s finally happened. There is an insurance company running a very catchy advertisement promoting “feeling whole”. The first time I saw it I thought, we have finally turned the corner. For those of us who have worked long and hard in the trenches to bring the...

Don’t outsource your life to Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is here! Are you letting it demolish yours? The new sitcom FAM had a promo spot where a teenager, being told to do her math homework, says to her sister (and I’m paraphrasing here), “Why should I when I have this?”  She points...

Fix a problem or create a life?

I had been seeing Doug’s wife, Angela for a few weeks. Married as a teenager and now in her late 30s her life was in turmoil. She was in a marriage that was alternately fun and happy and then marred by her husband’s angry, jealous outbursts. She was trying to expand...

The Wholeness Diet

It’s January!  Which means the post-holiday diet-craze has started. Everyone is going to figure out which diet is right for them—the Mediterranean, the Keto diet, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig—there are lots and lots to pick from. It’s a billion dollar industry...