Wholeness is more than a marketing slogan!

It’s finally happened. There is an insurance company running a very catchy advertisement promoting “feeling whole”. The first time I saw it I thought, we have finally turned the corner. For those of us who have worked long and hard in the trenches to bring the...

The Wholeness Diet

It’s January!  Which means the post-holiday diet-craze has started. Everyone is going to figure out which diet is right for them—the Mediterranean, the Keto diet, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig—there are lots and lots to pick from. It’s a billion dollar industry...

It’s not you, it’s the story.

Reading Johann Hari’s book, Lost Connections—uncovering the real causes of depression and the unexpected solution was so refreshing!  He has taken on a major issue—anxiety and depression and offered an entirely new view as to how we solve those problems. For thirty...

What does it mean to be a human?

Seems like such a simple question, doesn’t it?  Yet, step back and look at the history of humanity and it is clear–this isn’t a simple question at all.  History includes slavery, genocide, the Holocaust and all sorts of ways that humans have chosen...

Human Dignity: one coin–two sides

Watching the 2016 Presidential primaries there’s no doubt this is a primary season like no other in recent memory. As Trump takes over the GOP and shocks the traditionalists, Sanders is as much a shock to the Democratic side of the equation as the young flock to him...